
Check out our News to find out more about invasive species in our region.

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Protect BC’s Freshwater Fisheries!

Posted on: 16 Mar, 2021

Report all Invasive Fish    BC’s freshwater fisheries are prized by fishers from around the world.    Introducing Bass ...

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Invasive Plant Spotlight: Giant Hogweed vs. Hákwa7 (Cow Parsnip)

Posted on: 16 Mar, 2021

How do you tell the difference between Giant Hogweed and Hákwa7 (Cow Parsnip)?  The invasive plant called Giant Hogweed is the ...

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Bugs, Bugs, Bugs - Are They Invasive?

Posted on: 16 Mar, 2021

What do you do when you find a weird bug when you are gardening or doing fix-it jobs? It is definitely important not to ignore it!   It co ...

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What is Hiding in Your Seed?

Posted on: 16 Mar, 2021

If you are a gardener, you are likely starting to dream about warmer weather, spring and planning what to plant in your garden. It is important to be ...

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LRISS Work a Go For Summer 2020!

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

LRISS is ready to go to work this summer. All of our staff and contract crews are back and work has already begun. In May, Transition Forestry crews r ...

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LRISS Connects with Zoom

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

Maybe you’ve heard of Zoom or perhaps this is all new lingo for you in this new world in which we are living. LRISS has been using Zoom for a nu ...

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What do invasive plants look like when they first sprout?

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

The best time to get rid of invasive plants is when they first emerge. It is easiest to identify a plant when it is flowering. However, if you wait un ...

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Clean, Drain, Dry

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

  Invasive plants and mussels can hitchhike on all types of boats & gear. It is important to CleanDrainDry your paddle board, canoe, kayak, ...

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Stop Invasive Species in Your Tracks

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

Fall is a busy time of the year. It is a time for gathering firewood and hunting trips. A few simple actions can help to prevent the spread of invasiv ...

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LRISS Contributes to the Local Economy

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

Not for profits make significant contributions to BC’s economy and LRISS is no exception. A Vantage Point working group put together a document ...

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Speak Up!

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

When you can, do you speak up and get involved in surveys, public input etc? Do you let your voice be heard? The Lillooet Regional Invasive Species de ...

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Horses & Invasives

Posted on: 13 Mar, 2021

Invasive Plants that could harm your horse include: Hoary Alyssum, Hounds Tongue& Burdock. Hoary Alyssum shown below and Hound&rsq ...

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How to avoid Invasive Plants in Seeds

Posted on: 11 Mar, 2021

When reviewing wildflower mixes recently, LRISS found that one company who offered 10 different mixes, 8 of them had a known invasive plant: Batchelor ...

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Garden Planning minus the Invasive Plants

Posted on: 11 Mar, 2021

Gardening planning at this time of the year can offer warm thoughts of spring planting and colourful flowers. LRISS is here to help you avoid plants t ...

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How do Burdock Burrs get around?

Posted on: 11 Mar, 2021

What is Burdock?  It is an invasive plant that forms a new plant in the first year and then develops purple flowers in the second year. After fl ...

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Asian Giant Hornet

Posted on: 11 Mar, 2021

Invasive Species Feature  In August 2019, three Asian Giant Hornets were found near Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. This is the first time it was f ...

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Weeds in your Yard? Who you Gonna call?

Posted on: 11 Mar, 2021

Do you have an annoying weed in your yard? Most of us battle some weed or another. Winter is actually a good time to plot your plan of attac ...

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knapweed, biocontrol, biocontrol agent

Shhh...the bugs are sleeping

Posted on: 09 Mar, 2021

Special insect agents lie waiting to attack invasive plants. Invasive plants have natural bug enemies and many are fast “asleep” at this ...

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Be Aware of Wild Parsnip - REPORT SIGHTINGS!

Posted on: 20 Jan, 2021

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Shhh....the bugs are sleeping: Biocontrol

Posted on: 04 Jan, 2021

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LRISS Speaks Up: Let Your Voice Be Heard

Posted on: 27 Nov, 2020

LRISS contributes to many processes and meetings. Read this article for examples of how we speak up about invasive species. We encourage everyone to s ...

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LRISS Contributes to the Local Economy

Posted on: 30 Oct, 2020

Not for profits contribute to local economies. Thank you to Vantage Point for this great infographic that shows how BC not for profits contribute to e ...

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Did You Get your Home Kit from LRISS?

Posted on: 21 Oct, 2020

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Summer Fun on the Water: CleanDrainDry

Posted on: 21 Oct, 2020

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LRISS Summer Activities 2020

Posted on: 22 Jun, 2020

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What do Invasive Plants Look like when they first sprout?

Posted on: 22 May, 2020

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LRISS Connects with Zoom

Posted on: 22 May, 2020

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How to Avoid Invasive Plants in Seeds

Posted on: 20 Mar, 2020

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Garden Planning minus the Invasive Plants

Posted on: 20 Mar, 2020

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April Tips for Spring from LRISS

Posted on: 20 Mar, 2020

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Happy New Year 2020!

Posted on: 10 Jan, 2020

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Happy Holidays from LRISS

Posted on: 10 Jan, 2020

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Notice: Wild Parsnip

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2019

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PlayCleanGo Fall Activities

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2019

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Invasive Insects

Posted on: 30 Aug, 2019

LRISS is lucky not to have these insects yet. Please report all potential sightings!

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Invasive Fish

Posted on: 31 Jul, 2019

Invasive Fish can devastate native fish populations. Report all sightings to the RAPP line!

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Giant Hogweed vs Hákwa7: How to tell the difference.

Posted on: 24 Jun, 2019

Invasive Giant Hogweed has a sap than can burn your skin. It is hard to tell the difference between the invasive Giant Hogweed and native Cow Parsnip ...

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Invasive Bugs

Posted on: 20 Jun, 2019

LRISS can connect you to the professionals that will identify what insects are invasive and information on how to remove them.

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May is Invasive Species Action Month!

Posted on: 18 Apr, 2019

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Where can you find information on Invasive Species?

Posted on: 22 Mar, 2019

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What is Hiding in your Seed?

Posted on: 25 Feb, 2019

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Horses & Invasives

Posted on: 28 Jan, 2019

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How do Burdock Burrs Get Around

Posted on: 18 Jan, 2019

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Know the source of your soil.

Hazards of Soil Movement

Posted on: 05 Jan, 2019

Invasive species are easily spread through the relocation of soil and compost, hay mulch and grass seed. (Photo credits: Soil photo from www.pexels.c ...

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Happy Holidays 2018

Posted on: 29 Nov, 2018

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!

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LRISS Region Free of Invasive Mussels

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2018

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Invasives & Fall Clean-up

Posted on: 24 Sep, 2018

October's article focuses on tips to prevent the spread of invasives while in the process of harvest and fall clean-up.

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Invasives & Pets

Posted on: 29 Aug, 2018

Invasives can attach to our furry friends causing irritation and other issues. Invasives can hitch-hike on their fur and establish in new places. Chec ...

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Thanks to RiverMonster Adventures!

Posted on: 20 Aug, 2018

RiverMonster Adventures is a sturgeon fishing guide in Lillooet operating on the scenic Fraser River. They took the LRISS crew out on their boat to sa ...

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LRISS August Newsletter: New Local Plantwise Guidebook

Posted on: 30 Jul, 2018

Check out our new local Guidebook produced in collaboration with Splitrock Environmental. In this newsletter, we highlight this partnership and other ...

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Play,Clean,Go in the Summertime!

Posted on: 26 Jun, 2018

It is time to have some summer fun! You can prevent invasive species by learning to Play,Clean,Go! Simple things can help to stop invasive species in ...

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June Newsletter: Be Plantwise

Posted on: 08 Jun, 2018

Tips for gardeners and landscapers on how to avoid planting and spreading invasive plants.

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May is Invasive Species Month

Posted on: 04 May, 2018

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Save The Date

Save The Date

Posted on: 05 Apr, 2018

The Lillooet Regional Invasive Species Society would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting. Protecting our unique ecosystems in Lillooet ta ...

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Weeds Hiding In Seeds

Weeds Hiding In Seeds

Posted on: 30 Mar, 2018

It is that time of the year again when LRISS would like to remind everyone about invasive  plant seeds. It is exciting when see ...

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2017 LRISS Activity Update

Posted on: 23 Feb, 2018

An update on LRISS activities in 2017. A full report will be available at our AGM in May.

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Be Travelwise - Avoid Invasive Hitchhikers

Posted on: 23 Feb, 2018

When traveling this winter on your tropical get-away. Be travelwise and avoid taking or bringing back invasive hitchhikers.

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Get Connected with LRISS!

Posted on: 09 Feb, 2018

How can you get connected to LRISS? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and yes, we have email and a phone number too. If you are reading this you ...

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Strategic Meeting

Posted on: 01 Feb, 2018

You are invited to a strategic planning session hosted by the Lillooet Regional Invasive Species Society.   March 14, Lillooet Rec Centre Mezzanine ...

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Happy Holidays from LRISS!

Posted on: 22 Dec, 2017

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Info table at the Haylmore Site

Outreach at the Haylmore Site

Posted on: 02 Nov, 2017

It was a fantastic event at the Haylmore Site in Gold Bridge on July 31st, 2016! A wine and cheese reception, showcasing William Matthews beautiful l ...

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Outreach at the Marble Canyon Campground and Lions Fishing Derby

Posted on: 02 Nov, 2017

LRISS had an awesome day doing outreach on Sunday, August 7. We first went to the Marble Canyon Campground and set up an info booth by the entrance. W ...

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Clean Drain Dry

Protect BC Waters from Aquatic Hitchhikers

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2017

Clean. Drain. Dry. Principles: CLEAN off all plant parts, animals, and mud from boat and equipment (e.g. boots, waders, fishing gear). Use power w ...

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Play Clean Go

Hunting Season is Just Around the Corner

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2017

The Lillooet area is an amazing place to enjoy the great outdoors. Outdoor enthusiasts have so many activities to choose from. There are awesome trai ...

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Treatment of Invasive Species

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2017

Treatment of Invasive Species: Best Practices for Successful Management (Large site of Orange Hawkweed. Photo credit: It will ...

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Workshop & Training Event Well-Attended

Posted on: 24 Oct, 2017

LRISS, St'at'imc Government Services and P'egp'ig'lha Council-T'it'q'et hosted a 2 day workshop and training event on May 16 & 17 at the P'egp'ig'lha ...

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Alien Invaders

Invasive Cartoons - Fun for All.

Posted on: 12 Apr, 2017

Who doesn't like to watch cartoons?  LRISS has recently tapped into the website called PowToon to create short animated videos about invasives. Our E ...

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Invasive Mussels closer to BC!

Posted on: 13 Feb, 2017

On November 30, 2016, the Governor for Montana declared a state of emergency for Montana's water bodies because invasive mussel larvae had been detect ...

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Seedy Saturday 2017 declared

Posted on: 13 Feb, 2017

Lillooet Food Matters is hosting their annual Seedy Saturday and has declared the event "Invasives-Free".  LFM has asked all of the participants not ...

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Know what you grow!

Posted on: 13 Feb, 2017

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Bridge River Valley Survey

Posted on: 13 Feb, 2017

. LRISS is very interested to hear from Bridge River Valley residents! We have put a short survey out to help us focus our work in your area. It is h ...

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George M. Murray Elementary Weed Warriors

Posted on: 13 Feb, 2017

. On October 22nd, as part of a Stewardship Day, 80 George M. Murray school children partook in a competition to see which class could pull the most ...

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Tourism Kiosk Partnership

Posted on: 05 Mar, 2015

.Check out our new sign at the District of Lillooet's rest stop at the top of Station Hill.  We partnered with the District of Lillooet and Lillooet ...

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Walking with the Smolts

Posted on: 27 Jun, 2013

May 30 & 31: Walk through the invasive species tunnel. The "smolts" (children) will experience a simulation of the impacts that invasive species, "roc ...

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Invasive species week

Posted on: 27 Jun, 2013

LRISS is celebrating Invasive species week with the following events: Film night: The Lillooet Recreation Center is sponsoring the presentation of "T ...

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