LRISS, St'at'imc Government Services and P'egp'ig'lha Council-T'it'q'et hosted a 2 day workshop and training event on May 16 & 17 at the P'egp'ig'lha Centre. The Rural Dividend Fund grant financed the 2-day event. The first day focused on cumulative effects on the landscape and the Fraser Basin Council's Tracy Thomas facilitated a discussion on addressing cumulative effects in our region. Forty people from a variety of backgrounds, positions and organizations attended this session. The goal of this discussion was to introduce the concept of cumulative effects, show the activities that we know are occuring on the landscape and talk about what tools can we used to talk about cumulative effects in the future. The facilitator will be submitting a report from the discussion, which will summarize our interesting discussion on this topic.
On May 17, 5 presentations were delivered to 60 participants. This day focused on teaching people that work on the land (heritage and forestry crews, mining, agriculture, tourism operators etc) about a variety of topics to expand their knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics including: cultural awareness, invasives, archaeology, bear safety and species at risk. The goal of this day was to expand the skill set of all those that work on the landscape. These skills will hopefully build their employability and allow them to work on more projects locally. It will also give them a broad perspective of the overlapping values and impacts on the landscape that affect our region.
The presentations are posted on the Resources Page of our website.