When you can, do you speak up and get involved in surveys, public input etc? Do you let your voice be heard? The Lillooet Regional Invasive Species definitely speaks up. Whenever we can, we talk about invasive species, how to identify them, their impacts & how to prevent them. We know you’ve probably heard us, but you might be surprised about “where” and how many “spaces” that we let our voice be heard.
LRISS contributes our voice in a variety of platforms: social media, meetings, articles (like this one), community events, presentations, workshops, & training sessions. Many of these are virtual right now. LRISS is a member of the Lillooet Chamber of Commerce. We also attend Lillooet Timber Supply meetings hosted by the Cascades Natural Resources District. When the opportunity arises, we give our input to planning processes like tourism plans, Forest Stewardship Plans, mining reclamation and range use. We also assist our partners to contribute to planning & land activities so that invasive species prevention tools are used. We are working very hard behind the scenes to inform, educate and collaborate to prevent the spread of invasive species.
Most recently we’ve contributed to a collaborative document that will be submitted to the District of Lillooet (DoL) for their Official Community Plan (OCP) development process. In collaboration with a variety of not for profits concerned about the environment & climate action, this document contains values, goals and actions recommended to the DoL that are recommended for the OCP.
Each municipality’s OCP will be different, but in general it guides decisions on land use & planning within a municipality. LRISS wants to make sure that the protection of natural spaces & ecosystems, especially from the impacts from invasives, is included in the plan. We feel that it is essential that the DoL recognize the importance of our natural spaces to the health of residents, plants & animals. Invasive species can take over natural spaces & even sting, bite & burn people.
We want to encourage you to contribute your voice to the DoL OCP. What is important to you? We hope you’ll support LRISS & speak up about invasives too. Take the survey, talk to staff, talk to us: info@Lriss.ca. Let your voice be heard.