General: Hairy plant with showy clusters of orange flowers.
Height: Grows between 0.3 and 1.3m tall.
Flowers: Flowers grow on the top of a single stem. They are orange and look like dandelion flowers. The petals have notched tips.
Leaves/Stems: Stems are singular and covered in stiff hairs. Leaves grow mostly at the bottom of the plant and are shaped like a spatula. They are also covered in hairs.
Root: There is a woody stem base with a fibrous root system. There are also strawberry-like runners that are a type of root.
Orange-red king devil, Devil’s paintbrush
Orange False Dandelion, Orange agoseris which is a native plant.
Differences: There is only one flower at the top of the native plant whereas on Orange Hawkweed, there are clusters of flowers. The leaves of the native agoseris are generally thinner and lance-shaped but can be quite variable. Agoseris does not have any over the ground runners.
Where did it come from? Introduced from Europe.
Where does it grow here? It grows in BC in low to mid elevations usually in disturbed areas like roadsides, pastures and gravel pits. It can, however, spread into undisturbed forested sites. It is found in many areas of our region especially the side drainages of the Duffy corridor.
Reproduction: Three ways: seed, roots and over the ground runners (stolons).
When does it grow, flower & seed? Sprouts April-May. Flowers June-August. Seeds September.
Spreads By: Equipment used for logging, recreational activities, animals, contaminated hay. The seeds are like dandelion’s but they don’t travel far by the wind.
Plant Type: Perennial.
E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia.
Southern Interior Weed Management Committee. 2016. Invasive Plants of the Southern Interior BC. 86pgs.
Okanagan Invasive Species Online website.